Japan against Russia in the sky of Nomonhan

Japan against Russia in the sky of Nomonhan

Продуктов номер: 7926

Автор: Димитър Недялков
Категория: Военна история и техника, разузнаване
Издателство: Пропелер
Състояние: Нова книга
127 страници
твърди корици
Първо издание: 2005
Народност: българска
Преводач: Петър Скип

This book is an emotional tale of one not so well-known military Air clash started in May and finished on September 15th, 1939 (15 days after Germany had invaded Poland). Isn't this local conflict between the two empires the actual beyinning of WW II? The defeat of the Japanese made them move their striking power East against the USA and the UK in the Pacific Strategic Area. This changed the history for decades ahead. The characteristic feature of the conflict is the importance of the Air Power in achieving the decisive final results. The level of massiveness and intensity of this air battle reaches levels without any analogue even in LULU II. The four-month conflict, which took part in a theatre of operations with dimensions of some 80 km front line and 30-40 km depth, became a battle space for more than 900 Soviet and 450 Japanese aircraft. Provoked by this not so well-researched period of Air Power history the author hopes to yet the attention of the aviation fans.