Studia Praehistorica 14/2011

Studia Praehistorica 14/2011

Продуктов номер: 25455

Автор: Сборник
Категория: Археология
Издателство: Национален археологически институт и музей - БАН
Състояние: Нова книга
ISBN: 02049880
408 страници
меки корици
Първо издание: първо издание, 2011 год.
Народност: сборник

Jean-Paul Demoule
Marion Lichardus-Itten: une vie d'archeologue
Desislava Takorova
The natural environment in the process of neolithization of the Eastern and Central Balkans
Jean-Paul Demoule
Vingt cinq annees a Kovacevo: lemons dune fouille
Laure Salanova
Ceramic assemblages and chronology: problems and solutions for the Early Neolithic settlement of Kovacevo (Bulgaria)
Malgorzata Gr$bska-Kulova
Les autels de Neolithique ancien de Kovacevo
Isabelle Sidera
Fabriquer des cuillers en os: Lexemple de Kovacevo
Lily ana Pernicheva, Iliya Kulov
A clay altar from the Early Neolithic site at Kovacevo, near Sandanski
Maria Gurova
Early Neolithic site of Kovacevo: a case study of'Balkan flint' formal toolkit
Mehmet Ozdogan
Polychrome early Neolithic painted pottery at Ajagi Pinar
A reinterpretation of Neolithic complexes with dug-out features: pit sanctuaries
Olivier Weller, Robin Brigand, Laure Nuninger, Gheorghe Dumitroaia Prehistoric salt exploitation in Eastern Carpathians (Romania):
a spatial approach
Henrieta Todorova
Die iiberregionalcn komplexen Gemeinschaften, Kulturblocke und okologischen Krisen in dcr Urgeschichte im Raum der unteren Donau (VII- I Jahrtausend v.
Dimitria Malamidou
Late Neolithic black-on-red painted pottery production and distribution in Eastern Macedonia, Greece
Ralf Gleser
Radiokarbondaten aus Drama: Stand der Forschungen bis zum Jahre 2010
Yavor Boyadzhiev
Ethnocultural interrelationships in the Lower Danube area during the second half of the sixth and the first half of the fifth millennium BC (according to evidence from cemeteries)
Laurence Manolakakis
A flint deposit, a tell and a shaft: a lithic production complex
at Ravno 3-Kamenovo? (Early Chalcolithic, North-East Bulgaria)
Istvdn Zalai- Gaal
Auf den Spuren von Mor Wosinsky: Probegrabungen auf dem „prahistorischen Schanzwerk" von Lengyel
Kamen Boyadzhiev
Development and distribution of close combat weapons in Bulgarian Chalcolithic
Valeska Becker
Chalcolithic clay stamps from Bulgaria
Petar Kalchev
A Late Chalcolithic burial at Rupki, near Stara Zagora
Viktoria Petrova
Main characteristics and development of graphite ornamentation during the Late Chalcolithic in Thrace
Matthias Thomas
Fruhbronzezeitliche Lappengefabe aus Sudostbulgarien Iliya Kulov
Early Bronze Age pottery from the prehistoric settlement of Kovacevo, near Sandanski, southwest Bulgaria
Iliya Iliev
The Pit Grave culture in the lower Tundzha valley
Krum Bacvarov, Kathleen McSweeney "Potted babies: a bioarchaeological approach to the study of jar burial symbolism