Orpheus • Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies
Kamen Dimitrov, Economic, Social and Political Structures on the Territory of the Odrysian Kingdom in Thrace (5th—first half of the 3rd century BC)
Swetlana Janakiewa, Die thrakische Hydronymie in Kleinasien
Ricardo Blanco Lopez, Pueblos indoeuropeos: los Balticos у los Eslavos a traves de las fuentes literarias clasicas
Vanya Lozanova-StantcMeva, Byzas, Zeuxippos Helios and the Re-foundation of Byzantion
Plamen Petkov, Die Beziehungen zwischen den Antigoniden und ihren Verbundeten, den Bastarnen (Geten), in der ersten Halfte des 2. Jhs. v. Chr
Ruja Popova, The Cult of Artemis-Iphigenia in the Tauric Chersonesus: the Movement of a AITION
Kalin Porozhanov, The Ancient Ports of Sozopol and the Impact of the Sea-Level Oscillations on the Pre-Greek Thracian Settlement
Miroslav Vasilev, Herodotus 8, 137-139 and the Foundation of Argead Macedonia
Kiril Jordanov, Les souverains Odryses jusq’ au Hie s. av. J.-C
Mirena Slav ova, "Thracian Hydronymy" by Svetlana Yanakieva
Irina Shopova, Selected Bibliography of Thracology in Bulgaria (2005-2009)